Sonntag, 24. Januar 2016

Analyzing of the Routing Table

Analyzing of the Routing Table

Analyze the table shown below and identify the network portion and host portion of the
given IPv4 addresses.

  • Subnet Mask: You have to set all Networks bits with '1' and all Hostbits with '0' 
  • Network Address: You subtract from 32 the prefix, now write your ip address in 4x8Bit blocks  now write the ip address till you have as much bits as the prefix the remainded bits must set to '0'

Analyze the table below and list the range of host and broadcast addresses given a
network/prefix mask pair.

Analyze the table shown below and identify the type of address (network, host,
multicast, or broadcast address).

Analyze the table shown below and identify the address as public or private.

Analyze the table shown below and identify whether the address/prefix pair is a valid
host address.

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